Can’t lose weight no matter what you do ? Don't make these 14 mistakes

lose weight

 You toss a salad for lunch, eat 'baked chips' for snacks, avoid desserts, and climb six flights of stairs four times a day without stopping yet the weighing scale refuses to move. How is it that you’re still heavy when you’d swear on your favorite double cheese pizza, “But I don’t eat that much!”

To lose weight, you may think you're cutting back on your food intake and exercising more. As a result, how come you are unable to shed even a single pound? Do you know what's wrong with you?

1. You’re not keeping track of what you’re eating:

“Awareness is incredibly important if you are trying to lose weight. Many people don’t have a clue how much they’re eating,” Dr

Keep track of your food intake, and you'll be on your way to losing weight. Dr. Anupam Dey, a Kolkata-based dietician, says that people who use food diaries or take photos of their meals consistently lose more weight than those who don't.

2. You’re not eating enough protein:

When it comes to weight loss, protein is by far the most important food.

“Eating protein can boost metabolism and make you automatically eat several hundred fewer calories per day. Protein's impact on hunger-controlling hormones, such as ghrelin and others, can also significantly lower cravings and the desire for snacking. Additionally, it prevents weight gain," says the author.

If you eat breakfast, then this is the most important meal to load up on protein. A high-protein breakfast has been shown to reduce hunger and cravings throughout the day.

3. You’re eating too many calories:

 According to Dr. Dey, "a large percentage of people who have difficulty losing weight is simply eating too many calories.

Even if you don't think it applies to you, research demonstrates that most people significantly underestimate their daily caloric intake.

Calorie counting and food weighing aren't necessary for the rest of your life, in most cases. To get a sense of how much food you should be consuming, "just do it every few months for a few days at a time,".

5. The way you exercise isn't good for your health.

Either you're working out too much or you need to switch things up a bit and give your body a little surprise.

A variety of workout methods, including weight training, pilates, and yoga, are available for you to try. Dr. Aggarwal adds that weight training can help raise your metabolism.

6. Binge-eating is common, even on healthy foods like fruits and vegetables:

To claim that healthy food is free is an understatement, but it's simply not the case. Dieting can lead to binge eating, which is a common side effect. It entails consuming great quantities of food in a short period, frequently more than what your body needs.

Dr. Dey says, “This is a pretty big problem for many dieters. In contrast, some of them eat junk food while others eat nuts, dark chocolate, and the like.

7. You’re not sleeping well:

As a result of a good night's sleep, your body When your body gets enough rest, it’s able to perform. One of the most important considerations for your physical and mental well-being, as well as your weight, is a good night's sleep.

Studies show that poor sleep is one of the single biggest risk factors for obesity. Children and adults who don't get enough sleep have a 55% and 89.9% higher risk of being overweight, respectively.

8. You have a medical condition that is making things harder:

Weight gain and difficulty slimming down can be exacerbated by several medical conditions.

Hypothyroidism, PCOS, and sleep apnea are a few of the more common ones.

Weight gain can also be a side effect of some medications.

Consult your physician about your treatment options if you recognize yourself in any of these descriptions.

9. You're addicted to fast food:

A 2014 study found that 19.9% of people in North America and Europe meet the criteria for food addiction.

If you're addicted to junk food, it may seem impossible to cut back or alter your eating habits.

10. You’ve been dieting for too long:

To "diet" for too long may not be the best choice.

Take a break if you've been trying to lose weight for a long time and haven't seen any progress.

A few hundred extra calories each day, additional sleep, and lifting weights can help you build muscle mass and strength.

Before resuming your weight loss efforts, wait 1–2 months after maintaining your current weight and body fat levels.

11. Your expectations are unrealistic:

Weight loss is generally a slow process. Many people give up before they even begin to see results.

It is common for people to lose weight quickly in the beginning, but few can maintain a weight loss pace of more than 1–2 pounds per week once the initial weight loss phase has passed.

Having unreasonable expectations of what can be achieved by a nutrient-dense diet and exercise can also be a problem.

If you want to be a fitness model or bodybuilder, you're not going to be able to do it for everyone.

12. anger and build up your muscle mass.

Try to shift your focus to embracing your body as it is rather than obsessing over how much weight to lose because the scale doesn't seem to be moving.

There is a moment at which your weight will be at a level where your body feels at ease. Attempting to go beyond that may not be worth the effort or be realistic, and may even have detrimental health consequences.

13 . You're obsessing over food:

Diets rarely work long-term In fact, research shows that dieters tend to gain weight in the long run.

Instead of focusing on dieting as a means to lose weight, focus on building healthy habits. Eating healthily, exercising frequently, and engaging in activities that bring you joy are all examples of healthy living.

14. You’re not drinking water or drinking too much alcohol:

Weight loss may be aided by increasing one's intake of water. In one 12-week weight loss study, people who drank half a liter of water 30 minutes before meals lost 44 percent more weight. Drinking water has also been demonstrated to improve the number of calories burnt by 24-30 percent over 1.5 hours.

If you like alcohol but want to lose weight, then it may be best to stick to spirits (like vodka) mixed with a non-caloric beverage.

There are a lot of calories in beer, wine, and other sugary alcoholic beverages." In addition, keep in mind that each gram of alcohol has seven calories, which is a lot. Mixed results have been found in investigations on the relationship between alcohol use and weight gain. Heavy drinking has been associated with weight growth, although moderate drinking does not appear to be harmful.

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