the best 5 Foods That Might Help Boost Your Breast Milk Supply - 2022

the best Foods That Might Help Boost Your Breast Milk Supply

Make sure your position and latch are correct, pump a few times, and most importantly, feed your baby frequently and ignore the time. You've probably heard these helpful suggestions before if you're looking to increase your milk supply. However, if you've tried everything and are still concerned that you aren't producing enough milk, might particular meals help?

Breast Milk Supply

Foods and herbs have long been used to boost milk production in many cultures. If you've ever heard a breastfeeding mom talk about how her supply increased when she started eating oatmeal in the morning or drinking fenugreek tea, you'll know what I'm talking about. Galactagogues – foods supposed to promote breast milk production — have a long history of anecdotal evidence. Despite this, there are not a lot of high-quality studies to back up the claim that eating the correct foods will boost milk production.

As long as your doctor approves, it's fine to give them a go. In this article, we'll look at five meals that have been linked to an increase in the production of breast milk, along with the supporting evidence.


Galactagogues are substances that increase the amount of glucose in the bloodstream. In a tiny trial, women who drank three cups of fenugreek tea a day made more milk than those who didn't, possibly due to the presence of estrogen-like chemicals. Fenugreek, on the other hand, hasn't been proven to boost breast milk production, thus some pediatricians don't advocate it. Is there anything else to remember? Fenugreek has been linked to an increase in gas in certain newborns, according to their mothers who use it. Using fenugreek in the presence of asthmatics should be done cautiously.


Many breastfeeding parents swear by the benefits of eating oats in the form of old-fashioned oatmeal, oat milk lattes, and lactation cookies. Why? As an iron source (half a cup of dried oats offers about 2 mg of iron or about 20% of what breastfeeding mums need each day), the whole grain has been linked to decreased milk production. Although oat consumption has been linked to increased milk production in certain studies, no such evidence has been found.

 Fennel seeds

Lactation biscuits and beverages often contain these crunchy, licorice-flavored seeds, another traditional milk enhancer. Fennel seeds, like fenugreek, have estrogen-like chemicals that may improve milk production. Fennel seed ingestion has been shown to increase milk volume and fat content, as well as the weight of infants, in limited studies. However, large-scale studies have not been done to support their claims about the benefits of breastfeeding.

Meats and poultry that are low in fat:

Among the best sources of iron are lean meats like beef, hog, lamb, and poultry. Filling up on these meals may be beneficial if receiving enough of the mineral encourages a more robust supply. There is, however, no concrete evidence or studies to support the link between meat-eating and higher milk production.


Garlic supplementation does not affect milk production, according to a single study that looked into the matter. However, many mothers swear by garlic, and a clove or two enhances the flavor of nearly every savory dish (and healthy). So why not give it a go?

So what? There's not a lot of scientific proof that consuming certain meals might boost your milk supply. Many breastfeeding mothers, on the other hand, believe some substances do have a positive impact. So, if you'd like to boost your milk production, consider including some galactagogues in your diet.

When it comes to milk supply, it's important to tell your doctor and lactation consultant if you have one if you're having troubles. They can help you and your baby figure out what's going on. These professionals can assist you in determining what is impacting your milk production and, if necessary, give other treatments to ensure that your baby receives the nutrition she requires.

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